Friday, May 3, 2024

I'm dog-sitting a Chinese Tang Dynasty hunting dog: The traditional Chow

 A research study has concluded that the Chow Chow dog breed originated from other indigenous dogs in central China about 8,300 years ago....The Chinese ancestors of the Chow Chow were basically hunting dogs and the only ones native to China.

No wonder the dog is obsessed with hunting! No other dog - and there's a lot of them - in my area - is constantly digging, sniffing - to hunt - all the time!!

The Chinese Native Chow looks very much like the dog I am dog-sitting. Only he is bigger since he has Great Pyrenees mix also - with that extra toe-nail for climbing!! 

He whines like a chow when he doesn't get what he wants. hahahaha.

So I think he's primarily a Chow considering his hunting obsession and how similarly he looks to the image above.

His nose is slightly longer and he's taller and longer and has the extra toe nail.